

没骗你,我真是第一次去国家图书馆。我的父母很久以前去过,爸爸都快认不得那栋建筑物了。下午下吉隆坡时,联邦大道大塞车(还以为过年少车,扫兴…)。我们可没傻傻地等,用另一条路去。大马的大道收费站不计其数,but交通阻塞的问题始终没有改善。#%*$@,还有脸收人民的钱。后来不懂经过多久,看到我国首都地标--两根玉蜀黍,才高呼“终于到了”……爸爸绕进一条路,看着眼前的建筑物,以为到了,可是不对劲,唉原来是国家文化中心……eh旁边那栋好像是咧,仔细一看,是National Art Centre(乌鸦飞过)……最后,千辛万苦,我们到达国家图书馆。它的屋顶图案像蛇皮。成人图书是在Wisma Sejarah(另一栋楼,麻烦),很多英文书我看不懂。当然“成人”不代表有小孩子不应看的东西。华文书相当不错。本来要申请当会员,可是国家图书管的程序很麻烦,加上要常到繁忙的吉隆坡还书,还是取消决定了。这是我第一次去国家图书馆,可能也是最后一次了。没兴趣,以为国家级图书馆有最夯的新书,没想到都是看了会睡觉的书。那里的空调开得很大,一定会睡得很爽吧(-.-)zzz



今天到summit shopping centre去逛街。妈妈是去买新衣的,我是去买参考书的。妈妈的新衣是工作时穿的。我的参考书是考试前临时抱佛脚做的。妈妈挑衣,我和弟弟去大众书局。弟弟看漫画,我看书。后来才选参考书。我在看秦始皇的书(还有战国故事)看得津津有味时,妈妈领着她的战利品来了。我很喜欢中国历史,但没买那些书。别人一定会骂我笨,死了这么多年的人他的故事你还在看,太落伍了吧,什么秦王张仪荆轲,现在是成龙周董飞轮海…没关系,不看才损失呢。落伍几千年,好笑。后来又去jalan jalan cari makan,我从外婆家回来都胖了(一日五餐咧),还没瘦又再“增值”,唉。碰见中国旅行团。有人问有没有药店,要买驱风油。不懂是哪里人,口音很好听,没什么北京腔(人家不是北京人嘛,讨厌!!!)。他们在异国遇见会汉语的人,是不是很惊喜呢?(才不……)在餐厅遇到的中国人口音就比较怪,但比起四川口音容易听。回来才发现,我重买家里有liao的参考书。炸到。好了我要困liao,掰掰啰


End of playing

2day me and my brother went home with my 3rd uncle in the afternoon.(we're neighbours=>)i ate a lot in the morning.then played monopoly again.happy coz got lotz of properties.i was given a laptop(i'm using it now)by my 2nd uncle coz he wanted to buy a new model.i couldnt believe my luck!it has a webcam.but i duno how to no point.i oso found my long lost watch a few days ago.i am careless and the history of my watches is very sad.i lost or broke every one of them so maybe i have bad luck with my watches.
CONCLUSION:it had been a happy CNY for me.wish u have a happy new year.=)

My new year story

We had internet connection back there at my granny's house but the adults didnt let us now i'm reporting a few day's stories here.
24/1:Go back at 4 p.m.reached granny's house late coz arrived at my father's side granny house and watch tv till midnight.sleep.
25/1:Woke up early.granny prepared lotz of food to "present" to our ancestors.everyone prayed with joss sticks.then we children and my second uncle and my third aunt burned "hell paper money"for the ancestors to use.superstitious and not eco-friendly but it's part of our tradition.we aimed and threw the "money"into a "tong"like we're NBA players.sometimes the fire burned ferociously if we put too many "money". first uncle returned with his four sons,my naughty cousins.atmosphere more lively.finally all united for the reunion dinner.duno why i ate so much.all the yummy traditional food...yes i am pig.then still watched tv till midnight.
26/1:FIRST DAY OF CNY!!!i dont really care for the angpaos as they all ended up in our bank account.cannot sweep the floor and wash hair.keep eating lorr.then went to my father's side house to celebrate new,watch tv till midnight and sleep.i was happy with that.
27/ tv...played monopoly with cousins and second uncle.we all lost,obviously,coz my 2nd uncle is an investment manager...went to park and played childish games in the parents went back to our house tv till midnight.sleep.:-)


I'm going back to Johore when my parents come back from Tesco afterwards.they're buying some goodies for CNY.this year there's festive mood everywhere although the economy is not very good.ppl still shop for CNY coz it's a tradition that could not be erased.buying presents for the elder is very important.not to mention angpao for even there's financial crisis,everyone is happy in CNY coz they will have money from the angpaos(nvm if the money reduces).i'm looking forward to this CNY not bcoz of angpaos(although i'm money-faced),it's bcoz of all the new year dishes and cookies.i haven't tried yee sang-(translation:some kinda dish with a lot of coloured food in groups and ppl mess them using chopsticks and take some to eat) b4...believe it or not...maybe if i tried "lao sang"(translation:messing the yee sang and eat) i'll have a prosperous year.well...guess that's uncle will be waiting to lecture me for transferring skul so rapidly.uh-oh.

ok la,happy CNY,byebye,jumpa lagi,sayonara,ciao/addio arrivederci(italian...),au revoir adieu(french),adios(spanish),lebewohl(german)tot ziens(holland),and nyung hi kye se yo(korean...duno got wrong or not)



我回来了!不是啦,我不是蔡旻佑的歌迷……我回旧校啰。畀庭和艾薇要搞什么情人节卖花,我也要参一脚!赚钱的东西怎么能少了我呢?嘿嘿…而且盈利不少,加上很多傻瓜会来给我们做生意的,我们更要加油,来者不拒!最重要是不要给别人在这方面赚你的钱就可以了。中学生这样花钱很不应该。也要多亏有他们,我们才能赚啦。还有附加送货服务哟(也是要money come)!这就要看中学生的心理方面了,因为很多人是暗恋,一定不能以本尊出面送花嘛。呵呵,可以研究心理学了。谁叫我们中学生很少长得好看的,才一直在暗恋。如果你是中学生,不同意我的看法,大可不必向伊拉克记者那样不给布什面子。保留好你的鞋,经济严寒还没过呢。








win and lose

well,cant believe that *dato'* lee chong wei lost the korea open PETER GADE,man!!!but still his performance was quite outstanding,better than everyone in our M'sia badminton back and practice hard la!PAS actually won with the advantages(i think it's called like that) of 2631 come?how come they so *geng* one?bcoz they are,i s'pose.and MU vs Bolton...i knew we would win,juz a matter of time.but how come only that fellow Berbatov goalled?better than none.but i was really angry coz i stayed up till midnight to watch the game and they didnt score in the first 45 mins...uh...then i went to sleep.2day i went to my primary skul to compete in the calligraphy competition.but i was there actually to attend my after writing calligraphy i went tuition.i didnt win coz the others got learn formally.sure they win.but i have a granny that is an expert in this thingy so i'll seek for her help...but i bet i'll be too lazy to do that.


ducky & MU & election

For those who didnt watch football...okay then,i'm talking about duck.we had a whole duck as one of the dishes at dinner tonight.i was so afraid that i pick the duck's buttock,so even the duck was really yummy i was silently there's nothing funnier in my daily life except for this poor duck that now lies peacefully in my stomach.i teased my brother with this topic when he gobbled down the last bit of meat and that really made him sick.and one correction:MU vs Bolton tonight.hope they'll win.we must be on the top of the scoreboard.while i am waiting for their victory(without Wayne Rooney),i have came across some news about KT election at M'sia Today's website.PAS won.good.cheers for them.and for BN *ahem* with the worries of being arrested under ISA,here's my say:i think it's a good idea for the leaders to sit down and chat about this failure...i mean discuss,not merely chat.i hate my blog coz i dont have any interesting news to write about.haiz.


Cheers 4 Cristiano Ronaldo

Yo!Man Utd is too lucky to have Ronaldo...he got the what award...2008 FIFA Best Player or something...but i dont see why they should give the award to him.bcoz MU got so many talented players...hahahahahaha!!!Although i hate Chelsea a bit too much,i still have to admit that Anelka is quite good.14 goals.Ronaldo only got 8.lucky number.but Berbatov also okay mah,he got 4 goals.i said that bcoz my MU team shirt got his player number,that's 9.MU will be on the top 2moro,if they could win Bolton Wanderers.we are very lucky coz Chelsea only vs Stoke City on 17/1 and Liverpool vs Everton on 19/1...we are going to conquer the Premier League!!!HAHAHAHA


Me and my silly new frenz

Well 2day was interesting.our carpool mates were late sending us to skul but the two escaped from being caught by and Cora?we were unlucky.but i dont care.the prefects wont do anything.why always us girls got so unlucky???that guy sitting in front of me is Alan.he's quite cheeky and wont answer my maths questions as long as i didnt tell him what skul i'm from.why he so 'ke poh"...he supported Chelsea b4 but now he's with Hong Heng.that means we together are the MU supporting teammates.they got the latest news we are happy 2day coz MU won Chelsea 3-0.haha.that Alan crazy one,when teacher asked what was Sultan Abdullah's feelings when he was being cheated by Francis Light,he said "du lan".luckily teacher didnt hear him.lucky boys.


More 2009 grumblings

Looks like everyone is not satisfied about their condition in skul.2day i went 4 my karate lesson at my old skul.the teacher changed and i felt bad being teached by a small guy that got black belt.i missed my old sensei.we had some new learners.i think i had a very "cuan" (translation:boastful) look on my face.coz i'm more advanced.but i really yearn 4 the black belt.whenever i think of next Monday,i hate my life more than's not that my skul is not fact,it is very good.juz got some crazy teachers and's soooo hard.gotta bear 4 one year.same feeling as i soothe my feelings by crossing days in calendar when it passes.sounds like the thing that Mr. Bean only would do.and i will say something good every day to myself to make my day better.maybe something"bear it or go die"...??no lah i'm joking.i'm juz a a-bit-crazy mandarin teacher wanted us to find out which 3 books Qin Shi Huang didnt burn.i got the answer from Net.want to save my class next week from getting punishments.a very important mission.yo,WORSHIP case any teacher wants to trouble u with this question,i'm giving u the answer here:medicine,agriculture and divination.if u duno what's divination...u'd better go find a dicky.


忍者 -- 未来的辛酸路程





*畀庭,miss u all larr...


Amazing day

2day i became talkative n have more frenz.teachers of our class have high expectations towards us coz we're...?2A?mandarin teacher will give lotz of homework coz...maybe she likes to mark?she asked us questions during lessons and gave punishments 4 whole class if some of us duno how to answer.she asked about the major ten dynasties of China and we must arrange them according to the time(isn't that history?).i was unluckily chosen and i just prayed and blurted something out.and i got it all right.only i escaped the punishment.others had to copy the dynasties x8 coz got 8 ppl cannot answer.this teacher is darn strict.then it's about co-curiculum.the club members did lotz of "promotion" at hall 2day.but i'll join chinese yoyo after letting go of b-ball and ping-pong heartbrokenly.that's bcoz i had learned this art in std. 4 and wish to continue it.i'm just too happy to learn that my class's boys all support MU.hah.then i wont be arguing with them when form teacher arrange our seats.(she's going to put girl & boy seated 2gether,oh god!!!)

Haiz...gotta go skul again

Find it hard to suit the timetable of afternoon class.everything seems rushing and it's not long b4 i go to bed and sleep like a pig.that churning in the pit of stomach has ended as i am no longer to get know the skul and keep up with my studies.quite hard.especially with BM & maths worrying me.those 2 subjects...haiz...i seldom talk to ppl as i'm busy with other things.i'm going to handle some jobs at skul maybe next year,coz i want the co-curiculum marks.but if my classmates came to talk with me they'll find me very easy-going.and silly.sometimes.i wish they i wont be so lonely in class.



The other two boys car-pooling with me are Joshua & Isaac(i think it's spelled like this).went to skul at 12.30 p.m.prepared my lunch n didnt burn the kitchen.skul is okay.teachers speak english teacher quite weird with her expressions and movements.strict too.i found out that three girls in my class were the representatives of selangor 4 the pertandingan bertulis 2007.we went to the finals and stayed at terengganu 4 the competiton.didnt expect to meet them at the same skul n same class.i think that's all.too tired.cant stand to type anymore.goodnite.

First day of kanga

Hey hey,i'm not at skul yet.afternoon class.but i'm a bit nervy.i had to recite prayers last night to go to sleep.did someone tell u that praying soothes ur mind?well whatever.i woke up 6.49 a.m. this morning.too early.i did some practices in books,then i am here,surfing the net.but it's real fun without parents at home.unluckily i only have one year's time to year morning class.the worst part of all things is that i am going to prepare lunch 4 myself.i never have any interest in culinary art but making something to feed myself is not a big deal coz it's time i become independant(too late man) what?it's only form 2 & form 1 in afternoon class so i'm the senior(call me senior everybody!!!...hehehehe).most of the form 1 kids r new to the skul and maybe i could join them.(no way!)i'm longing 2 meet the other two frenz that r car pooling with me.WISH ME GOOD LUCK,EVERYONE!!!Lord kanga conquers the world!!!


A day with not much surprises

First i wanna say...VOTE LARR!join the voting of my blog!!!wanna know ur opinion!!!then,i wanna start the story of morning market.i went to pasar pagi 2day with my mum.when we were buying vege at a shoplot that was like a small pasar,i heard someone said"hantu datang"...ghosts?then i knew they meant the police that came to inspect licenses.somebody got a RM150 saman.when we went to a fruit stall,we saw the police nearby.the stall owner groaned and said "huat ah"...yea he got no license.after that i went to have my was done nicely.but just too short.mum said it's bcoz i'm not getting use to it.but if i didnt cut i must tie my juz cut.then(again),i went home to take a shower and had yutiao as breakfast.went to old skul to take textbooks.didnt see any frenz.gotta prepare 4 new skul 2moro.afternoon quite-interesting day ended here.


Kanga in school

2day i went to my new skul.kinda curious.i went with my old fren,Cora,that is studying there coz she wanted to know what class she's the whole skul was a surprise.i bought exercise books that i needed.then i found out i'm going to be in class 2A.Cora acted as a "tour guide" and her explanation was five-star.i like that skul very b-ball & volleyball courts.we're going to share the field with SMP Kwang Hua(private skul,not financially aided by government).i even chose my co-curiculum activities already.saw lotz of seniors was rainy when we arrived at the Klang district.Cora and i experienced something unusual,that was being locked in one of the blocks while taking a look at our new classrooms.the guard freed us afterwards.i'm going to be really diligent to compete in this skul.


Me & school

what's happening here?yea my dad called me 2day from his office 2 tell me that i could go straight 2 my new skul on the 1st day.dont need 2 stay at old skul 4 1 week b4 transferring.i contacted my old fren that studied at that skul.bit crazy coz i hvnt get 2 know the frenz that r going 2 car pool with me.i am going 2 be like an alien crushing into the atmosphere of earth.n i'm going 2 have a haircut.mum was busy at meeting 2day.i hope 2 make ppl have a good impression of me n start my new skul life as happy as a kanga.*for english basic learners dont learn anything from my blog ok?


New year=fireworks?

Yesterday i went 4 the fireworks display.saw fireworks of KL,genting&sunway at the same time.yea i know i said i dont have interest in that.i was watching a silly mr. bean movie when my dad & brother suggested that we went 2 see the legs brought me running with my brother till the hillside where crowds were forming.when we were running halfway we heard the fireworks starting n the smell of smoke.everyone was faster n excited.the couple in front of us even drank wine.when it all finished ppl shouted"happy new year" together.i didnt.from the strategic position of bukit jelutong we could see fireworks of three n more places.i liked sunway pyramid's fireworks.but all of it lasted 4 only a while.then we ran home.several kids also ran home 4 our house r near.i heard a young guy in a car shouting"four days till school opens".something like that.i hate school.n schoolworks.fireworks better.